The Brand, its Philosophy

Lluis Guardia. Founder & Owner

Faithful to our standards

Our secret is not in the volume, but in the quality of our creations.

Perfect and high quality work. We must emphasize the different character that the brand has. We will not go into what others do, because we have our way of doing things, our professionalism that is manifested in each product.

iprotec+ is a brand with a clear and defined personality and, therefore, it is very important for us that the consumer recognizes it, whether they see the logo or if it is hidden. This makes a firm survive on the edge of trends, but it also means strength and independence.

Our way of working must always be outside the dictates of the market, making our own discourse. We must always leave our particular legacy, a seal of quality.

● The good reputation will always remain on the market. We have to make iprotec+ fully recognizable; have very defined characteristics. And in permanent evolution. We must always try to improve and go further to innovate within the tradition of the brand.

The rigor of the product must coexist with innovation:

Innovación Red ArrowThink Different

To modernize, you have to go back to the roots of the brand, study and work on them, from the past and bring them to the present, but always with respect. You have to know how to take the best of each product, its main and recognizable codes, and update them; and that is something that iprotec+ knows how to do.

In these times we have to offer enthusiasm, confidence.

To preserve client’s enthusiasm, the will to preserve what is well done is essential, even if the processes change with technology. You have to work with passion, the product is watched with passion and the passion for quality and a job done well is transmitted to the product.

Do not sell the products if the medium does not allow it.

Signed: Lluis Guardia. Founder & Owner

Ilusión y Confianza - iProtec
Ilusión y Confianza - iProtec

Para modernizar hay que volver a las raíces de la marca, estudiarlas y trabajarlas para, desde el pasado, traerlas al presente, pero siempre desde el respeto. Hay que saber tomar lo mejor de cada producto, sus códigos principales y reconocibles, y actualizarlos; y eso es algo que iprotec+ sabe hacer.

En estos tiempos hay que ofrecer ILUSIÓN, CONFIANZA.

Para preservar la ilusión en el cliente es esencial la voluntad de conservar lo bien hecho, aunque los procesos cambien con la tecnología. Hay que trabajar con pasión, se vigila el producto con pasión y se transmite al producto la pasión de la calidad y el trabajo bien hecho.

No vender los productos si el medio no lo permite.

Fdo.: Lluis Guardia. Founder & Owner